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Monday, July 14, 2014

Sunshine award!


Well, hello! I would firstly like to most humbly apologize for my negligence in posting. Sorry!

And now to buisness! To my surprise and honor, I've been nominated for a Sunshine Award!
Thank you so much to Momo Q., artist extraordinaire:)

I haven't had a chance to fully explore her blog, but I'm looking forwards to it:) You should too;)

Here are the rules for Sunshine Award:
  1. Thank the blogger who nominated you and post a link to their blog
  2. Answer the list of questions
  3. Nominate other bloggers and inform them of their nomination
  4. Create questions for your nominees
*And you must use the Sunshine Award picture (above) on your blog
 My nominees-
Johanna @
Kelsey Hamersley @

1. Did you ever get an idea for your story from the most unexpected place/thing? If so, where/what was it?
Hmmmm... I'm not sure I have, at least not within memory, but that does NOT mean I haven't! I did have an idea for a dystopian, futuristic type novel recently, which is random because I have never actually read that genre! Not for any real reason, I just haven't gotten that far! Anyways, I was just lying in bed, imagining a scene, and it took root! I haven't started it, but I really want to!
2. Which do you write better with, computer or paper?
Ummm... well, I prefer paper because of the convenience, but the computer for organization! So i don't really prefer either, I guess!
3. It was a fun and easy question: when you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up?
Well, I went through several stages, but artist, horsewoman, pianist and actress are the ones I remember most! Actress and artist are still on the list now, at 16, actually:) 
4. If you had something that you really liked, but was almost/completely ruined by water, what was it?
I don't think that has ever happened to anything of mine, except s few books, but once I was borrowing a book and it somehow got wet(still not sure how). I was SO HORRIFIED, but the owner was very gracious,and thankfully the most damage was the watermarked cover:) I felt so bad though!
5. What is the hardest thing that you have to confront with in writing? (Editing does not count. ;D)
Well, probably actually doing it! I have so many ideas, but I often have trouble actually buckling down and actually writing them! It's mostly laziness on my part:/ sometimes I have trouble with dialogue too.
ok, here are my questions-
1- who/what is your personal artistic inspiration?
2-which is more fun, and are you better at- drawing or painting? 
3-What aspect do you struggle/stress over with most in art?
4-what do you love, other than making lovely art?:)
5- If you could have a chance to illustrate any book ever, what book would it be?
There you have it! I think this was a lot of fun, and I think a good nudge for me to get back at my blog! So hopefully I'll be seeing you soon:) 
Have a lovely day!!

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