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Friday, July 25, 2014

a short story by Hannah D. AKA the Damsel

I must get back to the sea

She looked into his eyes, shock spreading across her face. "What?!" "I'm going back." Liza's mind felt as though it had a block placed suddenly and forcefully into it, effectively stopping any constructive thinking. She stared at him still, feeling stupid. "Going back-" She repeated it, trying to let the words sink into her mind. "Going back..." My village needs my help." Jonas said gently. "I have to go" A wave of understanding hit her, and with it the flood of pain."Yes... you have to... go." Her words dropped to almost a whisper. Going back... "I don't want to leave you." He said, subtle strength infusing his voice. "Then why are you?" She knew why, and she didn't really mean to even ask. The words just tumbled out, as though washed on the back-flow of a tidal wave. Surprise showed in his eyes- the color of a stormy sky, dark, mysterious, yet Liza knew. Always right behind them was the promise of blinding sunshine. She lived for that light. "Never mind- I didn't mean that, I know why you have to go. I wouldn't have you not go. But..." She hesitated. "Yes?" Jonas' face showed every word she said to him now would carry twice normal weight. For a moment, the tantalizing though of begging him to say dangled in her mind, brushing across her very finger tips. If she asked him... but would he stay? Would she want him too, knowing the devastation he longed to help put right? She pushed her own  desire aside, and smiled. "I'm glad you are a man who will go back- to that. To help. I'm proud." His face lit up with-something. She couldn't describe his look. But she knew that what she had said was worth more to him than anything else she could have given. "But... " she repeated. "When... do you think..." "I'll be back? I don't know, Liza. I'm sorry, there is so much to do... I don't know how long it may take." Her heart sank, but then, as if a hand had caught hers, pulling her from the depths- "I could come with you." The words came as naturally as a breath of air. "I could help." Jonas' eyes told her how much he longed for the same thing. "No, you can't! The wedding- " "As if I care about that wedding! I would far rather go to the church this minute and marry you so I can come with you and help you, than wait who knows how long for a fancy wedding!" Her words tumbled out. He was perplexed. "But - I thought you loved the idea of a big wedding?" "Wellll... I do. But I love you far more." She looked up at him. He put out one strong hand and gently stroked a stray curl of honey brown back into its place. He said nothing. He didn't need to. His smile- his eyes- said more than a lifetime of words. She slid her hand into his, and they walked back towards the house. "I'll talk to your parents." He broke the silence. "Yes." He looked down at her. "I love you." She smiled up at him. "I'm so- so thankful," His words were fervent, and not, perhaps, entirely to her. His eyes seemed to see beyond her face. "That you understand- I must go back to the sea. It isn't only the hurricane, or my family, it's- a part of me. You will love it too." "I already do. I've seen the sea, in your eyes, your smile. Heard it in your voice. Felt it in the quiet strength of your hands clasping mine. And I love it too." They paused on the doorstep. He raised her hand reverently to his lips. "I must go back to the sea..." "And there is no place I'd rather be than with you." And they went together through the door.
The end

I don't write very often, and I hope I don't regret putting this up. It was kind of a random thing... Anyhow, here it is. I hope you like it.


  1. Oh I love it!!! I need more!! :) :) Very well written, and I love your choices of descriptions, and words.

    1. Aww thanks Abby! I enjoyed writing it and plan on doing more! Short story's are the way to go for me, I think, cause they are doable!:) thanks again:)
