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Friday, January 2, 2015

Another Rope Trick Fanfic by my sister Ryn

Hi!!! This is another fanfic written by my little sister, Ryn. It's about Lidi's parents, right before Lidi's mother leaves, taking Lidi's little sister Letta with her.
Cover Art: Timorous Beasties Wallcoverings-Cloud Toile

"Miri, I love you."
She stared at him blankly. There was no love left in her. The love she had once all went to her little Letta. She didn't know it, Mario didn't know it. But that was why she was so attached to Letta, why she always wanted her near. In a strange way, the love that had been bestowed on Letta, was really her love for Mario. Letta was  the last thing she gave him. So her love went with it. Her last bit of love. And she needed Letta, always. She had truly loved, a long time ago. She had begun to learn how. He had tried to teach her how. He really thought he could. That hidden person inside her broken self had come out, but not completely. Then it had disappeared. Forever. He had tried. But it hadn't been enough. He hadn't been enough. And he had begun to lose himself, too. He was fading. The magic that he once had, was now gone. Mario could remember that night when that beloved person inside his broken, disturbed Miri had given up. Vanquished. Died. He had wept that night.....

"Don't you remember the love we had?" He had asked her.

For a moment he had seen her eyes silently screaming, she was trying so desperately hard to find love. Wanting to love. Then that scream had been silenced forever. Her eyes lost that small light that Mario had always thought flickered hope. Something had swallowed that part of her up. It had beat her. It had beat him.

Now he looked at his Miri. He loved her still, he wanted so much to be able to see that love, that light in her eyes that once had been there. It was gone. It couldn't come back. To him it seemed his heart felt all the pain of the world. Miri stood there, her clouded, dark eyes looking at him, blaming him. Not loving him. If only she could see him, her Mario, standing there, loving her, willing to do anything for her. If only there was any sunshine left to break through the clouds.

"Miri, don't you remember what love is?"

Miri didn't say anything at first. She gazed at him, but she was seeing someone else.

"Miri, I love you," He said again. He wanted so much to heal her mind, her heart, and bring back their love.

Miri finally spoke. A small, hopeless,


Mario watched Miri turn and walk away. She took Letta, and disappeared that night. He never saw them again. It was then that Mario's love left him, too.

by Ryn D.

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